First Post

Hello, and welcome to my site. I created this site to act as a sort of memoir of my thoughts and experiences throughout my life.  It's not for anyone but myself, but if you happen to stumble upon this and enjoy what I have to post, that's great too. Later, I will post photos and videos in upcoming posts, but I just needed to do a quick intro to jumpstart the process. I may have been stagnant, or slow to start posting because I put too much emphasis and thought into trying to make something great. Which eventually hinders me from putting something out. Therefore, I'm going to throw my meticulous mindset aside and post this random piece of text. Also, I do not have a following like on other social media platforms so knowing that no one will see this is a refreshing thought and soothes my mind. Inshallah, this will not be my last post, and I will continue to make content that progressively gets better and better. There is no better way to improve at something than just by doing it.